The construction industry is one of the most important industries in any country and requires special attention. Considering the high importance of this industry in Iran, the Kish Industry and Construction Exhibition is held annually. During this exhibition, many leading construction companies participate and showcase their products. Given the high importance of the Kish Industry and Construction Exhibition, in this article, we will specifically examine this exhibition and its various aspects from the website of General Cabin Company.
Due to the high importance of the Kish Industry and Construction Exhibition, a large number of companies participate in it. With the great interest in the Kish construction exhibition, most active companies in this field strive to utilize the specific capacities of this event to develop their position. The higher the participation of visitors in this exhibition, the more successful the companies become in proportion. Keep in mind that over 130 different companies are present at this exhibition, each showcasing their products separately.
Given the extensive capacities in this sector, the final results of the exhibition will undoubtedly be very positive. Among the companies important to this exhibition, about 80% of them are active in providing construction products. Additionally, another twenty percent of the companies are involved in construction activities and are responsible for executing construction projects.
Some companies, such as General Cabin, have had outstanding performance at the Kish Industry and Construction Exhibition. General Cabin is specifically active in the production of elevator cabins and other related equipment. Since elevators are an integral part of multi-story buildings, General Cabin is using its maximum potential in production.
One of the fundamental points to consider about this exhibition is the reason for its organization. Since construction is one of the most important economic pillars of any country, all available tools must be used to reach the peaks of success in this regard. The Kish Industry and Construction Exhibition is aimed at promoting the products and services in the construction sector as much as possible. Furthermore, in such a setting, the various capacities of this sector are well showcased and industry professionals become acquainted with each other. Many large companies encounter new customers during this exhibition, each of which is important in its own right.
As Kish provides one of the best venues for hosting exhibitions, this island is chosen to ensure the best execution of the exhibition. Construction companies from many provinces across the country are active. Now, these companies from different provinces have entered this important exhibition to demonstrate their committed capabilities in this specific sector. Keep in mind that the organization of the Industry and Construction Exhibition can directly impact the advancement of the construction industry. The number of exhibition visitors also indicates its high credibility at the national level.
Given the extensive dimensions of the Kish Industry and Construction Exhibition, many factors have collaborated to ensure the best possible management of this exhibition. Industrial towns in Tehran, Qazvin, Yazd, and Hormozgan actively support this exhibition as its main supporters. Companies within these industrial towns are particularly focused on presenting their products and services and utilize a wide range of services in this regard.
The Tehran Construction Engineering Organization is another governing factor that has considered special privileges for the participants in this exhibition. As this organization seeks to have a direct impact on the growth of the construction industry, it has devised special plans in this area, each of which is important in its own right. Another point to note is the close collaboration of the Kish Free Zone Organization with this exhibition. This organization has provided the venue for international exhibitions in Kish for various companies to participate and showcase their newest products and services.
Given that many innovative achievements in the construction sector are presented at this exhibition, many individuals volunteer to attend this section, each pursuing their new goals. Construction contractors constituted a significant portion of the visitors who directly familiarized themselves with new construction technologies. Due to the considerable distance of Kish Island from other parts of Iran, many visitors travel in groups from various cities to this island.
Based on this basis, delegations from the provinces of Qazvin, Yazd, and Bushehr were sent to this exhibition for separate visits to various booths. Considering the extraordinary atmosphere created in the International Conference and Exhibition Center of Kish, you can benefit from the special advantages of this exhibition to your best advantage. Remember that all visitors have several days to make use of the exhibition and there is no need for concern in this regard.
For an exhibition to be well-organized, a specific time for booth construction must be determined. The booth construction process differs for each company, and attention must be paid to this fact. For example, some companies prefer to prepare everything in advance and transport it to the exhibition using a vehicle. Others prefer to construct the booth within the exhibition environment using equipment such as stands. The more professional the booth construction is, the more visitors it will attract. Fortunately, General Cabin Company has conducted the booth construction process most professionally to ensure the comfort of the visitors.
On this basis, delegations from the provinces of Qazvin, Yazd, and Bushehr were sent to this exhibition for separate visits to various booths. Considering the extraordinary atmosphere created at the Kish International Conference and Exhibition Center, you can benefit from the special advantages of this exhibition to your best advantage. Remember that all visitors have several days to make use of the exhibition and there is no need for concern in this regard.
Given the presence of many companies at the Kish Industry and Construction Exhibition, each of them seeks to demonstrate their best performance. As a result, General Cabin is known as one of the best booths at this exhibition, as proven by statistics. The company specifically focuses on the production of elevator cabins and related accessories, which has contributed to its popularity. Nowadays, there is a need for elevators and their equipment in all newly constructed buildings, and it is necessary to use various tools to meet this demand. With the round-the-clock efforts of its members, General Cabin has showcased the latest technologies in this field in its booth.
General Cabin is an industrial factory that produces a wide range of specialized elevator products including cabins, car frames, counterweights, main structures, motor shafts, car sling, brackets, and other elevator-related equipment. The company has an annual production capacity of over 2000 units, positioning it as a world-class manufacturer of these products. The founding managers of General Cabin, who began their activities in the elevator design, production, and assembly industry in 1384, have initiated the production of competitive products with an engineering approach and appropriate expertise in the industry.
Elevator engineering is the most important point in elevator purchase, but unfortunately, in most elevator companies, this crucial point is overlooked and they produce and install elevators casually and experimentally, which can lead to irreversible hazards or high-cost repercussions such as elevator falls, vibration, damage over time, and expensive maintenance.
The Kish Industry and Construction Exhibition has provided an excellent opportunity for all construction industry professionals to come together. We witness many companies showcasing their achievements throughout this exhibition. The presence of major companies such as General Cabin has significantly increased the importance and value of this exhibition. Certainly, if all the available capacities at the Industry and Construction Exhibition are well-utilized, the growth of the construction industry in Iran will progress at a faster pace.